R = 1:10, b = 1000 kpc: t = 5.10 Gyr

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Download all of the files from this particular epoch here (0.20 GB).

To make the best use out of this page:

  • Click on any image to enlarge it.
  • Download FITS files from the links or load them into the JS9 window at the bottom of the page.
  • Change the axis of projection for the images and links using the drop-down menu.


Typically, images shown here are zoomed-in; the width of the images in the FITS files are usually larger, spanning the original simulation domain or a large portion of it.


The slice FITS file contains the following fields:

  • "density": Gas density in units of \({\rm M_\odot~kpc^{-3}}\)
  • "kT": Gas temperature in units of keV
  • "dark_matter_density": Dark matter density in units of \({\rm M_\odot~kpc^{-3}}\)
  • "velocity_x": The x-component of the gas velocity in units of \({\rm km~s^{-1}}\)
  • "velocity_y": The y-component of the gas velocity in units of \({\rm km~s^{-1}}\)
  • "clr1": Mass fraction of gas from the primary cluster
  • "clr2": Mass fraction of gas from the secondary cluster
FITS File Download
Open FITS file in JS9 below



Dark Matter Density

Projected Quantities

Change the projection direction:


The projection FITS file contains the following fields:

  • "xray_emissivity": X-ray photon surface brightness in the 0.5-7.0 keV (observer) band, in units of \({\rm photons~s^{-1}~{cm}^{-2}~{arcsec}^{-2}}\)
  • "kT": Emission-weighted projected temperature in units of keV
  • "total_density": Total mass density (gas and dark matter) in units of \({\rm M_\odot~{kpc}^{-2}}\)
  • "szy": Integrated y-parameter for the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (S-Z) effect
  • "sz_kinetic": Integrated y-parameter for the kinetic S-Z effect
FITS File Download
Open FITS file in JS9 below

X-ray Emissivity


Total Density



The galaxies FITS file contains positions, velocities, IDs, and original halo information for a set of galaxy particles.

FITS File Download
Region File Download

Galaxy Positions and Velocities

S-Z Projections

The S-Z FITS file contains the following fields:

  • "Tau": Compton optical depth of the cluster gas
  • "TeSZ": Mass-weighted projected temperature in units of keV
  • "90_GHz": S-Z signal at 90 GHz in units of \({\rm MJy~{steradian}^{-1}}\)
  • "180_GHz": S-Z signal at 180 GHz in units of \({\rm MJy~{steradian}^{-1}}\)
  • "240_GHz": S-Z signal at 240 GHz in units of \({\rm MJy~{steradian}^{-1}}\)
FITS File Download
Open FITS file in JS9 below

Compton Optical Depth

S-Z Signal (240 GHz)

X-ray Events

The events FITS file contains an X-ray event list.

FITS File Download
Download Response Files
Open FITS file in JS9 below

X-ray Counts (Chandra ACIS-I, 50 ks)

JS9 Interface

Once an image file is loaded, use the drop-down menu below to switch between the different fields in the file.